Start cooking in your Brand New Kitchen
in just 4 Steps

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Make a visit
Find us at any of these locations near you. Lumba Modular Kitchen in Mumbai and Thane. Step into the world of modular kitchen to know every inch of it. Our expert will serve you with the best experience and advice.
Our Modular kitchens are gaining a lot of importance as every design we create is a masterpiece. Pre-fabricated trolleys, cabinets and drawers that are easily operative organized and provide convenience to the kitchens. At Lumba, all the operations of designing, manufacturing, and installation process are carried out under strict supervision.
Our wardrobes are exclusively tailormade as per your requirement. You can choose every detail from the type of finish, size of the wardrobe, and style of doors. All our products are factory-made from the best quality raw material that enhances the glamour and durability of the wardrobes. Each element is meticulously designed after extensive R & D work.
We are a one-stop solution to all your modular needs. We manufacture Kitchen accessories, Wardrobe accessories, Interior hardware fittings and Vetroline Aluminum & SS Railing Systems. Striking a balance between beauty and utility here we bring you the solution with the sensuality of stainless steel at its aesthetic best in household utilities.
Lumba is founded and run hands-on by pioneers in the field of furniture and interior design in India. At Lumba, we have people who have mastered their area of expertise and wish to pass this knowledge on to anyone keen to learn.
We are focused on your needs and aspirations for modular furnishings in your dream home. We understand your functional and emotional needs, add modern designing creativity to it and, tailor-make for you a fusion of beautiful form and brilliant function, at a cost that suits your needs.

Why Lumba Kitchen?
Because our designers are known for their excellent space planning & our craftsmen ensure seamless execution. Together we create spaces that complement your needs and enhance your lifestyles.
"Each time, we craft a 'masterpiece' we use the best in the globe."